Exempt Persons Status: Public Benefit Entities, Pension Funds and Social Security Funds — A select group of entities are granted exemption from Corporate Tax obligations. These entities, collectively known as Exempt Persons, encompass Qualifying Public Benefit Entities (QPBEs), public and private pension funds and social security funds, and subsidiaries of Exempt Persons. Each category adheres to a distinct set of criteria to uphold their Exempt Person status.
Qualifying Public Benefit Entities (QPBEs)
QPBEs are organizations that are established and operated for charitable, social, cultural, religious, or other public benefit purposes without the intention of making a profit. To qualify as a QPBE, an organization must meet the following conditions:
Establishment and operation for one of the permitted purposes
Refraining from conducting business activities, except for those directly related to its purpose
Exclusive utilization of income and assets for its intended purpose or to cover associated necessary and responsible expenses.
Prohibition of income or asset distribution for the personal benefit of any individual
Public and Private Pension Funds and Social Security Funds
Public and private pension funds and social security funds, responsible for managing pension contributions and providing retirement benefits, must be subject to regulatory oversight, dedicate their assets solely to pension-related purposes, and maintain transparency through audits.
To qualify as an Exempt Person, these funds must:
Subjection to regulatory oversight by a competent authority in the UAE
Designation of a pool of assets as “pension plan assets” or “fund assets”
Exclusive use of these assets to finance pension plan benefits or end of service benefits
Granting plan members/beneficiaries with a right or entitlement to the assets or earnings of the fund
Annual confirmation by an Auditor that the fund meets the exemption requirements and reports any breaches to the FTA
Receive income only from investments, underwriting commissions, rebates, or other income earned through investments for the benefit of plan members or beneficiaries
Subsidiaries of Exempt Persons
Entities established and controlled by an Exempt Person can also qualify as an Exempt Person, provided they meet specific requirements. These subsidiaries must be incorporated in the UAE, wholly owned and controlled by the Exempt Person, and directly support the Exempt Person’s primary mission. Subsidiaries may undertake all or part of the Exempt Person’s activities, exclusively manage assets or invest funds for the Exempt Person’s benefit, or engage solely in activities that support the Exempt Person’s core operations.
To qualify as an Exempt Person, these funds must:
Established a legal presence in the UAE as a corporate entity
Have sole ownership and complete authority vested in the Exempt Person
Participate in activities that are inextricably linked to and advance the Exempt Person’s purpose